2024 CORPS Pipe Show

Attended the show and my hats off to a great event by Conclave of Richmond Pipe Smokers club. They did a great event at the Keystone Museum
I got there Saturday morning and the folks were swarming every table in which I hope was a good sign for the vendors. I was able to pickup 2 Walt Hettinger pipes and some old McClelland and P.S. Navy Flake as well as the limited edition CORPS tin.
Dinner at the museum that night was excellent and if you left hungry, that was your fault. Good southern cooking and great company. I chat often with Chesapeake Pipe Club and finally got to meet several member of Pipe Smokers Den online forum in person for the first time. Good time at the show and the hotel meeting new people and great conversation over a nice bowl of tobacco.
It was great chatting with Mark Ryan again and finally meeting Trevor Talbert in person after chatting with him online for 20+ years.