Dix & Whiskey Dix Tobacco

Dix tobacco blend started out as a joke for me to derail tobacco forum threads. I will not expand on the derailment but it was always successful.
Of course everyone said I need to make the actual blend. So I literally tossed some things together and everyone loved it, especially when Carter Hall briefly disappeared off the market.
Original Dix formula was:
- 42% Sutliff Maryland
- 21% Sutliff J4 Burley
- 19% Dunhill 3 year Virginia and later replaced with McConnel 5 year Virginia when Dunhill went bye-bye
- 19% Sutliff 515 RC-1 Red Virginia
Dix was a really good old codger blend. Of course continued derailment of the forum threads that we came up with Whiskey Dix, the aromatic version of Dix.
A buddy that won't touch alcohol begged me not to use alcohol in the blend so he could smoke it. So I modeled the blend after Old Dominick's Haul Station bourbon. If you ever had that bourbon it is smooth as a baby's bottom and big vanilla/caramel bomb. The result is Whiskey Dix!

Whiskey Dix recipe:
- 50% - Dix
- 50% - Sutliff ZBC
So this while this being sold in a local tobacconist I am publishing the recipe because Sutliff at the end of January is closing the doors and many of their offerings will like disappear. So you have a month to buy components.