Wet Plugs

Recently, for unknown reasons, I had a batch of Red Queen plugs that were very wet. Not sure the exact reason for it but humidity while pressing might have hand in it. The plugs were full of juice running and the flakes, when sliced, were very flexible.
Since I don't soak tobacco like the commercial guys with PG for mold control the only real solution is either stove it for a couple of hours at 200F or slice and air dry before bagging. I like to stove under pressure so in this case I just sliced up and let it dry for a few hours before moving to jars/Mylar.
Update 11/13/23
I made another 2 Red Queen plugs that came out moist. Must be the moisture content of the leaves used. Stoving in the press for 4 hours at 200F seem to do the trick!