Why do I not sell these blends?

For one, I am not a licensed tobacco manufacturer. To do so would require a one million dollar bond on raw tobacco storage and one million dollar bond on the blending room and keep meticulous records of poundage going in and out of each room. Uncle Sam wants his tax revenue!
But let's say I can get someone to write the bond 15K a year. I take a lb of tobacco for $19/lb and make 7 two ounce flakes packages factoring in waste and stems and sell at $20/each. That is $140 - $19 - $1 (packaging?) or $120 profit. I would have to sell 125 lbs of raw leaf to product to break even or put it another way, 875 two ounce packages. This does not include building rental, or paying for a real press and slicer that is industrial. Believe me I am not going to be doing 125 lbs on a frame press from Northern Tool. After that then I can pay me? Thanks, I already have a day job. Now if some big blender wants to use my recipes, have at it. Just give credit where credit is due.
Second reason is to give back to the community. Folks like Bob Goff and his book on Blend Your Own Pipe Tobacco. Knowledge bombs dropped on the community by Ernie from Watch City Cigars that allowed me to try blending with whole leaf tobacco and countless other that contribute on pipe tobacco forums and YouTube.
This is my thanks to the community to make this adventure as accessible as possible and hope that others will continue to improve and expand the enjoyment of the leaf.